Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to surrounding children with a loving, safe environment where they will grow in their love of self, others and learning. We are a play based program that uses the Whole Child Wellness Model. Within the children's play, we incorporate science, mathematical concepts, pre-writing activities, beginning literacy skills, self-help skills, process-oriented art, and social studies. The environment is arranged to allow children the opportunity to safely explore and freely choose their own activities. The curriculum is based on the children's interest and includes large group and individual goals. We keep our classroom's size smaller which helps in building relationships with each child and their family and promotes creativity, critical thinking, and cooperation. Based on relational spirituality, children experience prayer, stillness and wonder in their day-to-day activities as well as during specially designed sacred times.

Stacy McLeod, Director of Preschool:
(719) 471-8522 x201
When D11 delays school, programs will begin at 10:00am.
When D11 is Closed, the FUMC Preschool is closed.
For any questions please contact Stacy McLeod at stacym@fumc-cs.org or 719-471-8522 x201
We're currently in search of:
- Substitute Teachers